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Baby Addiction Confessions

A bunch of babies sit in a squiggly circle while a baby fence surrounds them. Several are nibble on their feet or whatever inanimate object happened to be in the play pen. One or two periodically crawl out of the circle to examine the floor or the fence. One baby spies something that is hilarious and starts giggling.

They (do and don’t) take turns about why they’re there today.

It’s my son’s turn. He pivots to hold onto the fence and stands.

“Ba ba ba ba. Ma ma me ga ga.”

“I am an addict. I’m addicted to standing.”

Then he squeals with glee, gnaws on his free hand and flops back down only to immediately lift into a low squat and hover his hands out in an attempt to stand.


This is the scene I’ve been envisioning for the past month or so since L has learned how to pull himself up to standing using whatever props he can find. Anything is fair game – baby fences, pack n’ plays, coffee tables, chairs, dressers, any adult’s body…

More recently, he’s begun trying to stand on his own without any props. It’s fascinating to watch his various poses as he attempts this feat. They include:

  •  A baby-modified downward dog position and pushing up off his hands
  • A hover squat and launching up
  • A skater squat and lifting up
  • Kneeling on his knees and slapping the ground with both hands

Sometimes he achieves the feat and wobbles precariously for a few seconds before flopping down and moving onto his next mission – climbing, crawling or tasting something (often attempting them simultaneously).


In the early days, when he hadn’t figured out rolling yet, he would lie on his back and feverishly pump his arms and legs back and forth. He was new on the scene and ready to move in whatever way he possibly could.

L’s determination to keep moving, trying, learning and growing is inspirational… and humbling. Am I willing to put myself on the line to try something hard? Do something new? Not give up?

(Of course, we can go down a rabbit hole discussing a baby’s logic and maturity, but that’s not really necessary now. )

Here’s to trying and using the willpower of a baby!

(Somehow Dwight Schrute always comes to mind when it comes to baby strength…)



Hit Refresh.

This month, my husband (A) and I decided to overhaul our family sleep dynamics. While our current arrangement had worked for some time, it wasn’t working anymore. None of us were getting quality sleep.

For the past few months, I’d been avidly researching baby sleep approaches and tactics. We put the information to use and buckled down into putting it into action. We felt confident that our son (L) was ready (if not willing) to be shifted to a new, longer term arrangement.

Easy? No. Worth it? Totally. Within a few days (literally), we were all sleeping much better. Our little guy is now sleeping 6-9 hours at a stretch with only one night feeding. He’s sleeping soundly, we’re feeling refreshed in the mornings, and it’s positively glorious.

Since L came home in February, I’ve been getting 6 hours of sleep or less overall at night (excluding when the grandparents stepped in – praise Jesus for family!). Considering #babylife can be weird, I thought I was doing pretty well and didn’t feel like a crazy person most of the time.

Honestly, I didn’t realize how much not getting quality sleep had been de-motivating (is that a word?) me from pursuing additional interests. (Ahem… the college years taught me this but… I forgot. Again.)

But oh-my-goodness, one solid week of getting 7 hours+ every night and I feel like a brand new woman. Cue this new ambition to start writing.

Hallelujah, let the sleeping continue!