Aching Fingers, Racing Thoughts

Lately all I’ve wanted to do is write. And write. And continue writing until this spill of thoughts & lessons & everything else in between is finally well-articulated & resolved on the screen.

If only it was that easy.

Fortunately & unfortunately (welcome to the ever-contradictory language of this writer!), I haven’t had the time or the energy to do that. Life has been quickly clipping along. Conversations, memories & moments keep sweeping in with a faint sense of spider web-like connections that I just can’t quite seem to grasp. It’s a lot to take in.

It’s odd. Have you ever encountered those moments when, on the surface, it seems like you’re not where you ought to be, yet everything inside of you is quietly saying “Yes, this is the moment. Stay here. Breathe here. Be here.”?

Everything inside of you is burning for a sign to be directed this way or that, but something, that indefinable sense of certainty, keeps whispering to you that you’re right were you ought to be, even if you don’t like it. Even it looks foolish or crazy or absurd to others. Somehow you just know that you are destined for something… deep & good… yet whatever that’s supposed to mean just refuses to reveal itself yet until its proper timing. You won’t be a face on billboards and surrounded by fawning photographers. Scores of people won’t be seeking you out for your great wisdom and to hear your sweet voice. This sense of inner greatness isn’t quite like that.

Rather, you just know that something is meant for you… you alone. Something great. Something wonderful. Something that is molded in such a way that suits you perfectly imperfectly. Your own brand of you-ness & fullness & rightness.  More than that, it’s not just about you, but how you are needed to make this world a better place. You contribute to the puzzle.

Really, it’s simple. You don’t need to be taken to the moon to feel rich. You don’t need flamboyant displays of celebration in honor of you. You don’t need bounties of riches. All you yearn for is deep joy & contentment.

At least that’s what I know I want… what my heart, my soul & body hungers for.

In the meantime, the writing continues.

I Corinthians 15:41 The sun has one kind of splendor, the moon another and the stars another; and star differs from star in splendor.

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